Written by Cherish Kumala
Designed by Anais Isobel
Beauty in art refers to the connection within shapes, texture, sound, motion, color, and size and crystals happen to be one of them. The formation of crystals occurs deep within our planet, in which a regular molecular structure is organized in a lattice pattern. Humans have been captivated by the beneficial properties of crystals as well as their aesthetic beauty since ancient times. They are mostly utilized as a tool for healing and could also be used for particular artworks. One example of the artwork is a crystal grid. To make this, it requires time as artists have to intuitively pick out thousands of different crystals in different sizes and shapes. These grids are portals of energy. They all have their individual message that is communicated through the captions of the images, which is intended to enrich and empower everyone who looks at them. This includes the study of sacred geometry and the flower of life, so it's only natural that the grid crystal art features triangles, circles, and other ratios involving overlapping circles that imitate natural shapes such as snowflakes, cellular division, beehives, and other organic phenomena. But how can you make your own crystal grid?
Think and create specific intentions to focus on for the grid.
Choose the stones needed for the grid and make sure they are cleansed. When selecting the crystals, choose 1 stone to be the center of the grid, which is the anchor stone, and make sure the minor crystals define your intentions.
Choose a sacred geometry shape you would want and likewise, make sure it aligns with your purpose.
Place the main stone into the center of your chosen sacred geometry shape.
Place the remaining ones around the center anchor stone.
Lastly, activate your crystal grid!
As in for crystal healing, it had been drawn to humans back to at least the 4000 B.Cs. It is an alternative therapy that is involved in using gemstones to balance and provide the ‘mental-well being’ of an individual by channelizing one’s energy levels.
Crystals have their respective vibration and frequency, arising from their molecular composition. From these interactions, the energy and vibrations work to uplift people’s minds, moods, and health in a substantial manner. Comparing crystals to magnets, similarly, they both can absorb all the negative energies. Because crystals are naturally extracted, they harness energies of the moon, sun, and oceans. Crystals vibrate at the same frequency as humans, enhancing our natural healing abilities. When you place a crystal on your body, it helps you connect better and feel more at ease.
How to use crystals and how to choose your crystal?
Each healing crystal has its own unique set of qualities and powers. Amethyst, opal, rhodonite, rose quartz, and opal are some of the most popular ones. People’s favorite one is the Amethyst. It has been discovered to possess properties that are particularly useful to the intestines and digestive problems. Green aventurine, for example, promotes cardiac wellbeing, whilst yellow topaz, a healing stone, clears mental barriers and provides clarity. The first step when choosing your crystal is to think about the purpose. Are you using it to relieve a mental or physical emotion? You will definitely feel like the crystals are calling out your name in the process of purchasing it. And in this case, sometimes you may feel like it is pulling you to connect to a certain crystal. After choosing the crystal, you have to pick out the type of shape you need. There are specific names for the shapes such as, ‘chunk’, ‘cut’ , ‘tumbled’, and ‘wand’. Cleansing your crystals after purchasing them is a significant way to make them feel like it is fully yours. There are various ways to purify them although the most common one is soaking them in salty water or simply holding them under running water. And the most exciting part is ‘activating’ your crystals by programming it to your specific intentions.
Wherefore, are crystals considered an art? It doesn’t matter as long as it delivers the perception of beauty, expresses technical proficiency, and is based on the extension of visual language.