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Dear Me; a collective letter to your future selves
As 2021 is coming to an end, JBM wants you to take part in our new years project called 'Dear Me'. An aim we have for this is to allow the utilization of these letters as a time capsule everyone can look back to. We strive to make people realize the agency they possess as the protagonists of their own stories, as their own endings stem from their own decisions. After distributing forms through our Instagram Story, here is a video of a collective letter to wrap up our 2021. This year surely hasn't been easy for any of us but we hope this short collective letter can inspire you all to make your futureselves proud in being the best version possible. Cheers to 2022!
The Dialogue EP2: Thanksgiving Version '21
In honor of thanksgiving day, JBM family presents the second episode to our series, JustBecause The Dialogue: Thanksgiving Version. Although we have come across the question, "What are you thankful for?" at least a thousand times in our lives, we never realized how simple its answers could be. Happy Thanksgiving, Jbm Fam <3
The Dialogue EP1: window of happiness defined by you
In our first ever episode of JustBecause The Dialogue, where we ask a group of people to answer the same question, we dived in on 9 different perspectives of what happiness truly means. All things considered, we came to the conclusion that we define our own happiness. Even the littlest things can make someone's day so with this said, we truly hope this video can be one of the reason you smiled today.
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