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CNY Superstitions

Written by Jezlyne and Thalia

Designed by Kiara Andressa

Looks like the long-awaited Chinese New Year is around the corner! Aside from this event being the time to visit our families and friends, it is also the time for Chinese New Year's superstitions and unspoken peculiar rules. Here are some that we gathered!

  1. Wearing The Right Colors: It is apparent that those who celebrate this event tend to wear bright colors, especially red. The reason behind this is because it is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

  2. Avoiding Odd Numbers: Odd numbers tend to be avoided, as it is believed to bring bad luck. Therefore, angpao money should not be gifted in an odd sum.

  3. No House Cleaning: During this time of the year, house cleaning is disliked to the point of not touching cleaning tools and not washing hair. The reason is because Chinese Folklore shares that cleaning your house is like cleaning a house of wealth and good luck.

  4. For The Sweet Tooths: Sweet snacks such as pineapple tarts and kue lapis are believed to be great gifts to make the current year sweeter than before.

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