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The Phenomenon Of Art Museums

Written by Josherlyn Angelica and Kiara Andressa

Designed by Kiara Andressa

As I scroll through my gallery, contemplating to pick the best shot out of the hundreds taken, a thought of realization came to mind. Did a single piece of artwork catch my attention? Did I take the time to absorb the art and the thought that goes behind in the making? Or was I too busy posting on my Instagram story making sure the angles of the photo were perfectly straight— hopping on a 1-hour long road trip only to come back with at least a hundred photos? Today, art museums are looked upon merely as an aesthetic (which is frankly not a bad thing), but we no longer take the time to really appreciate and understand the artwork in front of us. The huge significance behind a work of art is now hiding behind the aesthetic photo on your Instagram feed. This makes us revert to one question: "Is Instagram killing the way we experience art?"

At some point in our life, we've all heard about the dreamy Louvre Museum in the city of love, Paris, or the iconic Metropolitan Museum right in the heart of New York City. Though known worldwide, it doesn't get the proper recognition for what these priceless artworks are truly worth. We solely romanticize the place, the beauty of being in it, but we are unaware of the dedication behind the framed pieces. Yes, the Louvre Museum is home to the famous Mona Lisa, but that piece of information stands alone. The way we see art today has drastically changed; it no longer gets the appreciation it deserves.

When we walk past the gallery and take a closer look at the pieces framed, that's when we can truly engage and experience an eye-opening encounter, paying close attention to every brushstroke, line, and even the flaws. Each painting has a life of its own; every piece embraces its own diversity and can appear different through so many lenses.

An art museum is a playground for the mind; we decide for ourselves the interpretation as it is a level of appeal that cannot be found elsewhere and acts as a composition that offers a degree of kinesthetic joy. Art as a collective helps our minds integrate and understand one's culture, societies, beliefs, values, and perspectives. It opens a horizon in our minds to pursue our creative release. The presence of being in an art museum almost feels as if we're in another dimension. It's an exhilarating feeling to see art— it can appear confrontational as well as comforting.

Artworks hung in a museum are not just meant to be a picture you post on Instagram. It is worth being highly appreciated and much more than just a photo kept in a phone gallery among a thousand others. The sad truth is art museums will never be perceived the same way again.


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