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Manifestation. A Philosophy, or A Trend?

Written by Michi Sendrawan

Designed by Josherlyn Angelica

12 universal laws and yet the law of attraction still gets the most recognition. The law of attraction is a belief that one's consistent thoughts will determine what they attract in life.

“In manifestation we trust.” Is this just another one of those Tik Tok trends or could this so-called philosophy really work? Let’s be honest here, we’ve all considered manifesting. Praying circles, meditation, visualizing things, journaling, you mention it. We know that most people manifest and there’s different outcomes to it, the law of attraction simply says “we attract what we are.” Manifesting has helped lots of people get the things they want, this could be a what or even a who. If you’re a newbie and you’re still wondering how this whole thing works, here’s a couple tips that could possibly help:

1. You must know what/who you want, make sure to keep your vision board realistic, don’t include any dreamy fictional characters or things that don’t even exist in the real world.

2. Concentrate and fill your head with positive rays of energy that can help you reach this certain goal.

3. Don’t underestimate your destiny, things can happen, anytime, anywhere, and through anyone.

4. Lastly, don’t manifest too far, keep up a good routine and just go with the flow.

It’s okay to be skeptical about this, because we are practically relying on the universe when we manifest. But then again we all know, unless you try, curiosity will haunt you forever.


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