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A Christmas Short Story

Written by Michi Sendrawan

Designed by Anais Isobel

As i opened my eyes today, the sun smiled at me with its radiant golden ray, the painted sky was vibrant blue. I crawled out of my new linen bed sheets into my fluffy cloud like slippers as i woke up to the peppermint scented candle all lit up. Leaving my bed room as the classical jazz from downstairs starts to go crescendo, i took careful steps descending the stairs.

Half awake the Christmas tree looked as if there were little stars dazzling all around it. The aroma of the freshly made hot chocolate fully captivated me, i took a sip and two words unconsciously spilled out of my mouth "oh my", i said. Hot chocolate never tasted better, the rich chocolate melts, the mini marshmallows swirling about the surface of the drink, and the light chestnut aroma i smell every step of the way.

The warm smile on my family's faces greeted me with comfort. We gathered round the Christmas tree and snuggled up on the couch. Mom walked towards us with glass cups on a silver tray, i could smell the cinnamon from a mile away. I took a closer look and nostalgia hit, eggnog, warm and delightful eggnog. We raised our cups, clinked our spoons, all to celebrate a merry Christmas as the jolly season resumes.


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